Holiday Empathy
Wednesday, November 20, 2024, 7–8:30 p.m. (CST)
Join our Zoom meetings using this link. See additional details for instructions on how to join via the Zoom website.
Whether you are alone or surrounded by others, the holidays can be triggering.
Many of us bring expectations to the holidays that don’t match up with reality. We’re told that our holiday should be made up of magical moments of joy, fun, and connection. While we may cherish the traditions observed in our particular culture, they can also evoke feelings of sadness, frustration, envy, or exhaustion.
At this time of year—whether you celebrate the holidays or not—you may find yourself experiencing disappointment, resentment, loneliness, grief, or a lack of connection with those around you. This is an opportunity to use our NVC practice.
In this session, we’ll explore what might make the holiday season better for you. You may discover longings such as:
- Rest or ease
- Freedom
- Connection
- To be heard or seen for who you are
- Privacy or space
- Mourning
How to prepare for this session
- Print or have ready: Worksheet: Holiday Empathy
- Print or have ready: Feelings and Needs chart
How to Join These Sessions Using Zoom
Ways to join:
- Click on: Join Zoom Meeting
- Click on: http://zoom.us
Meeting ID: 821 8008 4155
Passcode: lovenvc (all lower case letters)
Sign in early (at 6:45 pm) to familiarize yourself with the basic functions of Zoom. You may have to download Zoom in order to enter the meeting. If the “join meeting” button doesn’t work, look below it for a link to download.